Star Wars Adventures (2020) #10 by Dave Scheidt, Michael Moreci

Star Wars Adventures (2020) #10

Star Wars Adventures (2020) (Single Issues) #10

Dave Scheidt, Michael Moreci with Stefano Simeone (Illustrator), Michael Avon Oeming (Illustrator)

28 pages first pub 2021 (editions)

fiction comics adventurous challenging dark medium-paced
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Star Wars Adventures (2020) #10 by Dave Scheidt, Michael Moreci is a electrifying tale that will captivate fans of action-packed adventures and suspenseful mysteries, perfect for readers who crave a gripping journey through the Star Wars universe with a dash of the unknown and the unexplained.


Mace Windu and his Lightning Squadron land on the planet Ridlay, which has gone mysteriously dark, expecting a Separatist attack. But what they find instead is a surprise to them all. Then, Zak and Tash Arranda sneak off to investigate a creepy ca...

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