Ten Anglo-Welsh Poets by Sam Adams

Ten Anglo-Welsh Poets

Sam Adams with Raymond Garlick (Contributor), Glynn Jones (Contributor), Gillian Clarke (Contributor), Harri Webb, John Pook (Contributor), John Tripp (Contributor), Gwyn Williams (Contributor), John Ormond (Contributor), Roland Mathias (Contributor), Leslie Norris (Contributor)

136 pages first pub 1974 (editions) user-added

nonfiction poetry
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Ten Anglo-Welsh Poets by Sam Adams is a treasure trove of lyrical and satirical verse that will captivate readers who crave a rich tapestry of diverse voices and perspectives, offering a unique glimpse into the vibrant Anglo-Welsh literary tradition.


This anthology is, in the editor's words, 'essentially a sample' of the rich and diverse work of three generations of Anglo-Welsh poets - poets whose work is not yet as widely read outside Wales as it deserves. The Anglo-Welsh tradition, its origi...

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