Commentaries on Genesis 1-3: Homilies on Creation and Fall by Severian of Gabala, Bede, Carmen S. Hardin, Robert C. Hill, Michael Glerup

Commentaries on Genesis 1-3: Homilies on Creation and Fall

Ancient Christian Texts

Severian of Gabala, Bede, Carmen S. Hardin, Robert C. Hill, Michael Glerup

162 pages first pub 2010 (editions)

challenging informative reflective slow-paced
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This book is a treasure trove for scholars and spiritual seekers alike, offering a rich and nuanced exploration of the early chapters of Genesis, perfect for readers who crave a deeper understanding of creation, human origins, sin, and redemption, and are eager to plunge into the wisdom of the early church fathers.


The church fathers displayed considerable interest in the early chapters of Genesis, and often wrote detailed commentaries or preached series of homilies on the Hexameron--the Six Days of Creation--among them Eustathius of Antioch, Basil the Great...

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