Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings by Charles Sanders Peirce, Joseph Dauben, Matthew E. Moore

Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings

Charles Sanders Peirce, Joseph Dauben, Matthew E. Moore

336 pages first pub 2010 (editions)

nonfiction philosophy challenging informative medium-paced
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Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings by Charles Sanders Peirce, Joseph Dauben, Matthew E. Moore is a enlightening read that will captivate students of science, technology, and symbolic logic, as well as anyone fascinated by the intricate connections between mathematics, philosophy, and the pursuit of understanding the universe's grand design.


The philosophy of mathematics plays a vital role in the mature philosophy of Charles S. Peirce. Peirce received rigorous mathematical training from his father and his philosophy carries on in decidedly mathematical and symbolic veins. For Peirce, ...

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