Why Gone Those Times?, Volume 127: Blackfoot Tales by James Willard Schultz

Why Gone Those Times?, Volume 127: Blackfoot Tales

Civilization of the American Indian

James Willard Schultz

286 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history sociology informative reflective medium-paced
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Why Gone Those Times?, Volume 127: Blackfoot Tales by James Willard Schultz is a captivating read for anyone fascinated by the rich cultural heritage and traditions of Native American communities, offering a unique and immersive glimpse into the daily life and history of the Blackfeet Indians through the eyes of a man who lived among them for seven decades.


James Willard Schultz first encountered the Blackfeet Indians in Montana Territory in 1877, when he was seventeen. In time, he married a Blackfoot woman, formed close friendships with many in the tribe, and lived with them off and on for the next ...

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