Poetry and Prose: cc&d magazine v79 (the May 1996 issue of Children, Churches and Daddies; 2019 re-release) by Janet Kuypers, David McKenna, Catharine Wright

Poetry and Prose: cc&d magazine v79 (the May 1996 issue of Children, Churches and Daddies; 2019 re-release)

cc&d Magazine #79

Janet Kuypers, David McKenna, Catharine Wright

102 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics literary reflective medium-paced
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For readers who crave a rich tapestry of absorbing poetry and short stories that explore the complexities of the human experience, "Poetry and Prose: cc&d magazine v79" is a treasure trove of literary delights, offering a nuanced and introspective journey through the realms of identity, family, and the search for meaning.


"Poetry and Prose" is a 2019 re-release from Scars Publications of the May 1996 v79 issue of cc&d magazine, which contains poetry and short stories as well as letters to the editor and an editorial, now placed into a perfect-bound book by asso...

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