The Future of Deterrence: NATO Nuclear Forces After INF by Betsy Jacobs, Robbin F. Laird

The Future of Deterrence: NATO Nuclear Forces After INF

Betsy Jacobs, Robbin F. Laird

200 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history politics
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For readers fascinated by the intricacies of international relations, military strategy, and the complex dynamics of global security, The Future of Deterrence: NATO Nuclear Forces After INF by Betsy Jacobs and Robbin F. Laird offers a gripping exploration of the future of nuclear deterrence in the post-INF era.


The editors would like to express their thanks to a number of colleagues whose insights and comments contributed to the development of the book. Among those who were particularly helpful were Robert Nurick, Vic Utgoff, Mike Clarke, Jorg Baldouf, J...

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