Let There Be __________ What Would You Be Like If You Became the Person God Expects You to Be? by Rick Davis

Let There Be __________ What Would You Be Like If You Became the Person God Expects You to Be?

Rick Davis

134 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction religion emotional reflective medium-paced
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Let There Be __________ What Would You Be Like If You Became the Person God Expects You to Be? by Rick Davis is a absorbing and deeply personal journey that will resonate with readers seeking a more profound and authentic life of discipleship, particularly those who are called to a deeper obedience to Jesus Christ and a willingness to surrender to His will.


Let There Be; What would you be like if you became the person God expects you to be? entwines several strands that make their way through the Bible. First, as the title hints, God has created people. Then, when Jesus gave the three steps for livin...

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