Justice, Ethics, and New Zealand Society by Roy W. Perrett, Graham Oddie
Justice, Ethics, and New Zealand Society

Roy W. Perrett, Graham Oddie

Justice, Ethics, and New Zealand Society

Roy W. Perrett, Graham Oddie

252 pages first pub 1993 (editions)

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Justice, Ethics, and New Zealand Society by Roy W. Perrett and Graham Oddie is a thought-provoking read that will resonate with anyone interested in exploring the complexities of justice, ethics, and morality in the context of New Zealand's rich cultural heritage and history, making it a compelling choice for students, scholars, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the country's most pressing social and philosophical issues.


What is sovereignty? Was it ceded to the Crown in the Treaty of Waitangi? If land was unjustly confiscated over a century ago, should it be returned? Is an ecosystem valuable in itself, or only because of its value to people? Does a property right...

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