Easter Island: Island of Enigmas by John Dos Passos

Easter Island: Island of Enigmas

John Dos Passos

216 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction history travel reflective medium-paced
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Easter Island: Island of Enigmas by John Dos Passos is a captivating read for anyone who has ever been moved by the mystique of ancient cultures and the power of art to evoke deep emotions, as this travelogue weaves a rich tapestry of history, adventure, and personal reflection that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt a sense of wonder and awe in the face of the unknown.


Despite sickness in the final years of his life, Dos Passos presses on for adventure. He and his wife journey to Easter Island, where they explore the history behind the famous statues--called maois. "When I was a small boy," Dos Passos says, "so...

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