Utopiates: The Ultimate Bet with the Mind by Josh Finney, Kat Rocha

Utopiates: The Ultimate Bet with the Mind

Josh Finney, Kat Rocha

116 pages first pub 2012 (editions)

fiction speculative fiction adventurous challenging medium-paced
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Readers who enjoy provocative and unflinching explorations of the human condition, particularly those fascinated by the darker aspects of human behavior and the consequences of playing with the fundamental nature of identity, will find Utopiates: The Ultimate Bet with the Mind by Josh Finney, Kat Rocha to be a gripping and unsettling read.


In the near future……science is able to distill human personalities into a drug-form. Called utopiates –a merging of the words utopia and opiate– these drugs allow users to swap personalities with the “mental imprints” of other people. Every user h...

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