d'Cyphr: Breaking The Code by Christian Beranek

d'Cyphr: Breaking The Code

Christian Beranek with Dennis Calero (Illustrator), Klebs Junior (Illustrator)

122 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction graphic novel medium-paced
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d'Cyphr: Breaking The Code by Christian Beranek is a enlightening graphic novel that is a perfect fit for readers who appreciate the power of music, social justice, and self-expression, and are looking for a story that celebrates the impact of hip-hop culture and its legendary MCs on the world.


We see this world through the eyes of the poets that live in it and from the legends that left their mark on it. The best of those who use the voice of Hip Hop aren't called rappers. Nah, playboy. They're called MCs. You can't ignore the MC. The M...

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