Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems in New Translations Facing the Originals with a Biographical Introduction by

Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems in New Translations Facing the Originals with a Biographical Introduction

with Edwin H. Zeydel (Translator)

208 pages missing pub info (editions)

nonfiction classics literary medium-paced
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This book is a treasure trove for literature lovers and poetry enthusiasts, offering a rich and intimate glimpse into the soul of one of the world's greatest writers, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, through 100 of his most exquisite poems, carefully translated and presented alongside their original German counterparts, making it a must-read for anyone seeking to unravel the depths of the human experience.


In this volume originally published in 1955, Zeydel provides English translations of one hundred of Goethe's poems divided into nine periods. The biographical introduction traces Goethe's development as seen in his poems and an appendix gives info...

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