
You Gonna Finish That Dragon?: Musings from a table for one by Barry Parham

cheryl6of8's review

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I received this book as a Good Reads giveaway and started reading it immediately based on the two excerpts on the back cover. I agree with the reviewer who compared Parham's writing to that of Dave Barry, in its humorous but zany riffs on specific subjects and slight (and sometimes not so slight) sarcasm and the spot-on summary of what bugs you about blank. In this case, facebook seemed to be one of the things that really bugged Parham, which I can understand, because all the issues he brought up are the reasons why I have never had, do not now have, and do not ever intend to have, a facebook account.

I was a little worried about how well I would like the book once it became apparent to me that our political perspectives were in conflict (I am a liberal), but for the most part I agreed with the criticisms or could laugh at them. I even had to laugh in solidarity at his perspectives on lawyers and government employees, despite the fact that the government pays me to act as a lawyer. I would be willing to bet that even most members of Congress, at least the ones who know how to read and don't find it too strenuous a task, would agree with his comments about Congress, although they might not realize it applies as much to their own party as to the other party.

I have also often characterized myself as a "bachelor-girl" and finding myself so much in agreement with the author's bachelor perspective confirmed it for me. I liked his idea of a marriage of convenience for the purpose of cutting down on left-overs.

Was this the most uproariously funny book I ever read? NO. But it was amusing and in parts laugh-out-loud funny and it was a nice change from some of the more heavy reading I have been doing.

joneal233's review

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The refreshing thing about this book is that is pure and simply a book of humor. Unlike some of my more recent "humor" books in which the author describes a traumatic childhood/adulthood and plays it off as funny. The two stars from me really come from me not being the target demographic for this book. It became pretty clear that everything from my gender, age, relationship status, and most obviously political leanings were contrary to the author's. If any one or two or those demographics did apply to me, I probably would rated the book higher. So I just don't fit in to the target audience for this book. I certainly had moments of mirth and I think that people that can relate more to his humor should find this book enjoyable. Since I am new to author, I am sure the there is a long running joke with him about Joe Biden, so I was amused but confused by his obsession with him. (And, yes like virtually all Vice-Presidents for the last 20 years or so, they are all definitely joke worthy.) All in all the humor was not humor for me, but I am sure it would be quite humorous for someone in his target audience.