
Giant Days #44 by John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar

deeplyanchored's review

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I loved the line about McGraw taking Esther seriously and I'm really enjoying their developing friendship!

laura_cs's review

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*heaves huge sigh* Oh, Esther...

bayy245's review

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I usually love the wacky story lines that Giant Days has but this one was... just no

piper_sh's review

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Daisy: I´m going to spent Valembrines loving myself this year.
Esther: Figuratively, I assume, not physically.


Some girl to Susan: Don´t hold back, Susan. We´re in the medical school.
Some guy to Susan: Yeah, if my heart stops because you say something romantic.
We can restart it.


Susan: They mocked me, Ess. They said I don´t have a romantic bone in my body.
Esther: Huh, I´m ALL romantic bones. It aches on a cosmic level..

I just love Esther and Susan. These two give me joy!

jankmammal's review

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Ah, I’ve missed these jerks.

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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Ah, Giant Days. I love nothing more than to read and relax with this series. It’s so fun and quirky, and while it does have an interesting plot I know it’ll all work out. Probably. So it doesn’t stress me out too much.
Apparently it’s Valentine’s Day for this issue, which sounds like exactly the sort of chaos these girls probably don’t need. Esther is a walking disaster, romantically speaking. Daisy is still recovering from her breakup. Suzie is the only one in a stable relationship, but the pressure to be cute and romantic is not something she needs in her life. Need I say more?
I do feel like Suzie’s bit in this was the smallest, with Daisy coming in second. Esther took the forefront, but considering the holiday that sort of makes sense. She’s really quite good at getting herself tangled into a mess quickly, isn’t she? Luckily she’s equally skilled at getting out of said mess…so I guess it all balances out in the end.

evermoregan's review

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This series always makes me smile. I love the crazy antics and the friendships and just everything about Giant Days.

majoki_'s review

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Awwwww, I really enjoyed this issue!
Richard and Esther were cute! (I didn't understand the train thing, though. Why was Esther so pissed about that?)

I'm totally team Susan&McGraw <3

lonewolf6693's review

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3.5 Stars. That love plot line with Ester was so quick, and I wish it had been drawn out over several issues.

bookiesncookies's review

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"OX Heart Day"