fehreric's review

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The Operationalizing Christian Identity Guide (OCIG) created during this research project by Glanzer et al. is pretty remarkable. When not many scholars are seeking to create helpful tools to assist parents and students in discovering the vast differences found in Christian Higher Education, the team that completed this study have really excelled. What, I'm sure, was painstaking work has resulted in a great guide, albeit one that doesn't addressed nuanced issues such as lived experiences of faculty, staff, and students (that's what campus visitation is for).

One caveat: even after one year some information is already becoming outdated. With the rate of school closures (being almost one per week in the 2023-2024 academic year), the rate at which IACE membership has soared, etc., there is much to take with a grain of salt. But, before you conduct your own homework, use this helpful guide as a starting point.

Enjoyed seeing hard work put into a package.