
Butt or Face? by Kari Lavelle

one_more_book's review

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Adorably fun, funny, fact-filled non-fiction book for preschool to grade 3 (or beyond, like me) about butts and faces of various creatures in the animal kingdom.

Kari Lavelle presents the book in a game-like format beginning with Let's Play Butt or Face! and ending with a cool chart with entertaining column headings (no spoiler here). Definitely a great book to add to your child's personal library.

kdelreads's review

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My students are going to fight over this book! Who doesn’t want to read a book with butt in the title? Funny title aside, this book has lots of great information, text features, and my favorite in a nonfiction title, more information at the end and a map too. Highly recommended

tie_jam's review

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Ah yes, my new favorite hidden gem. 10/10 plus I learned about a new type of ant

margindoodles's review

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You know what, I'll admit: I couldn't always tell what was a butt or a face

annette45's review

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This book is a lot of fun and educational at the same time. It's a quick and easy read and my kids love it. They can't wait for it to come out so we can have the physical copies. It's quite entertaining to look at the pictures and guess what each picture is and then learn about what the picture is after guessing. It was delightful to share in reading this with my daughters and hear them giggling as we read and looked at this book and learned about the animals.
I would highly recommend this. Thanks so much to NetGalley and Sourcebook Kids for letting me read and review this enjoyable and educational read. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

danae_leu's review

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Fun concept, some photos were better executed than others. The fact boxes were interesting.

mandyjhenning's review

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a worthy tome

thenovelgnome's review

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Can YOU tell a butt from a face?
You get to test your guessing talent after viewing a close up photo in this book!

Once I saw the cover, I knew I had to read it! This book is hilariously silly and fun! After the reveal, several fun and interesting facts are shared about a unique critter. I can definitely see this as being a favorite bedtime and classroom read and I’m confidant adults will enjoy it just as much or even more than the children they’re reading to. Please get this book and then share the responses!

erinslibrarian's review

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Non-fiction picture book that shows a picture of either a butt or face and invites readers to guess which it is. Provides information about the animal on the following page.

This book reminded me a lot of Jess Keating's world of weird animals series. Lavelle picked a fun and unique topic to write about - is it an animal's butt or face. It really highlighted some of the different adaptations animals have and helped to showcase exactly how weird and wonderful nature can be. While I may have liked to have a little additional information about the different animals, the bite size bits of information (and topic) will be great for reluctant readers.

ipomoea's review

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I received an advance copy from Sourcebooks.

Like kids, I love a good butt joke, and this book delivers on butt humor without veering into potty stuff. A close-up of part of an animal is shared, and the question is asked: butt or face? The next page is a reveal and a brief exploration of the animal and a cool fact about it. I'll be using this for elementary school visits and book talks for sure. The pictures are clear and vivid, and the page design flows well.