
Chew, Vol. 7: Bad Apples by John Layman

brylliams's review

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A+/100 (Outstanding) 5 Stars

cestsibon's review

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Pretty much out of words to describe how good this is.

_sarbar's review

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I love CHEW, but I felt like this was all filler - there was no real action as I expected.

malapatasg's review

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Tras un par de volúmenes más flojitos la historia vuelve a coger fuerza, las tramas empiezan a cruzarse.

catsandcamera's review

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Reread - love it. After what happened at the end of the last volume Tony was run out of fucks to give!

torgla's review

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Still as irreverantly hilarious as ever.

darkenergy's review

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At this point, the snappier pacing I'd gotten used to, and the advancement of the main plot, take some serious brakes. The ending of the previous volume sets things up for major action times, and instead of having all of that explode here, we get more buildup. (For those of you who've read the Wheel of Time series, Book 9.)

Not that I didn't continue to enjoy all the little side trips and all, not to mention where Colby's sleeping-around habits lead (haven't laughed that hard since the previous volume), but following the previous volume, which was a bit of a side trip, having another one take that turn is a little much. Especially with the way the last one ends, I was super ready for action.

I expect 8 will pick up all the slack here, because it absolutely leads to it, and I'm guessing there will be a fair bit of offsetting the kooky sidetracking here, but it ended up feeling a bit unnecessary. More plot in between the little pieces would have helped.

callthisrational's review

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Layman and Guillory have now passed the halfway point for Chew and it is still chugging along nicely. The art is as great as it has always been and there is a nice little change in pace story-wise. Layman takes a small step back from all of the grandiose action in the previous issues to help further the plot while still keeping it entertaining and engaging. This volume helped plant some interesting seeds, mainly touching on Savoy, the Vampire, and the Church of the Divinity of the Immaculate Ova, without losing sight on the father/daughter relationship of Tony and Olive.

If you're looking for the zaniness of the other volumes you may be a little disappointed, but Chew vol. 7 acts as a great bridge to help move the overall narrative along.

kittyg's review

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Vol. 7 in this crazy series continues with the crazy but hugely entertaining plotline of trying to find the Vampire. Along the way we follow Tony Chu as he works on various cases to help solve how to catch the Vamp.

This volume was super fun and a very quick read (as all of Chew is). I have to say I liked seeing the bad-ass side of Tony as he comes back with a vengeance in this volume compared to how he was in previous volumes. I definitely think Tony will be able to crack this case soon and with the series drawing slowly to a close, it should be exciting.

As always it's bizarre, colourful and pretty greusome. Just a wonderful series and I will have to save up my pennies to buy the next volume soon so I can read that one too :) 4*s overall.

jefrang's review

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Tone shift and slow down this volume. Maybe I'm just missing Poyo. Still great stuff though.