
Down Sand Mountain by Steve Watkins

brandnewkindof's review

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Interesting subject matter -- racism in a very isolated small Southern town -- that just fell a little flat for me; poorly paced, maybe, as the ending seemed rather abrupt.

nuriamagdaleno's review

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It got really boring and I didn't enjoy it.

yungokssss's review

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It can get pretty boring at times, and the time seems stretched out when you're reading it. But it CAN be interesting.

gettinglostinagoodbook's review

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2 1/2 stars
I will preface this review by stating that I downloaded this book immediately after reading "What Comes After". I was enthralled by the writing and content of Watkins' book and wanted to read more by him.
I must admit I was a little disappointed by this book. I found the characters to be fairly flat. It's not that they were unlikeable, it was just difficult to get to truly know them. The parents were present, without real presence. Wayne and Tink did not seem to be involved in any of the actions they performed. You did get to know Dewey slowly throughout the story, but not as much as I would really like to.
Sand Mountain was a typical small town with typical residents. Most residents went about their business as usual, but there interaction with the "coloureds" was not encouraged. As a result, Dewey's family and Darla were not truly accepted by the villagers. Like the real Sand Mountain, big changes were in store for both of these families.