
Olivia and the Fairy Princesses by Ian Falconer

erinnbatykefer's review

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LOL I hate fairy princess dress up BS that brainwashes girls into debasing patriarchal systems. So Olivia dressing like a warthog is pretty priceless.

dawnmdavison's review

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Why be a princess when you can be queen?

astrosmimi's review

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I love every Olivia book published. Every little girl, even your internal one, will love this book!

donalynbooks's review

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Olivia is consistently hilarious, although I wonder how phrases like "corporate malfeasance" play with the book's intended audience.

mrchance's review

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Olivia's vocabulary is exceptionally precocious in this one.

pomegranate_muse's review

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


madamespook's review

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I loved this book!
The only reason why I gave it 4/5 stars is because of the one spread that talks about other kinds of princesses from different countries, like India and Africa. It's my pet peeve when children's books write about Africa as if it is one country, when it is a huge CONTINENT with diverse COUNTRIES.

snowgirl2242's review

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This was so great! I love Olivia and I could totally relate to some of the sentiments in this story. The dedication and included photographs gave me a bonus laugh.

mangofandango's review

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I love Olivia's takedown of the stereotypical suffocating pink princess cultural obsession ("why do they all want to be the same?") and Ian Falconer's consistent style of humor. Olivia is "trying to develop a more stark, modern style" - she is above the sea of pink taffeta. :) The Olivia books are great, this one is no exception.

crystalreading's review

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I love Olivia's individuality!