
Eversea: a love story by Natasha Boyd

bookcoffeegirl's review against another edition

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emotional medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character


eliethedreamer's review

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Kitap 3.5 ve 4 arasında giderken o yetersiz sonla 3 oldu. Yine çok buyuk umitlerle basladigim ve hayal kirikligi yasadigim bir kitap daha.

sidekicka7x's review

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REALLY?! That's how it's gonna be? You're gonna drop me, Just. Like. That?! How did I not realize that this was going to be a series??
Can't flippin wait for the next book. Holy Crow.

writerandhercoffee's review against another edition

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Keri Ann Butler's life in Butler Cove, South Carolina, has always been quiet and simple. Home is the magnificent Butler historic house that is in dire need of restoration, and work is waitressing at the local diner called The Snapper Grill. Life for Keri Ann picks up when it's tourist season, or when her brother Joey comes home for short breaks from medical school. Keri Ann has suffered losses in her family and knows the pain of loss and heartbreak too well. She has never had a real boyfriend, and never had a real dream for herself. All she knows is that Butler Cove is where she belongs.

And then one day, a mysterious guy steps in at The Snapper Grill for a last-minute order. It takes a long time for Keri Ann to process that she is staring at Jack Eversea, the biggest and hottest Hollywood celebrity at the moment, star of the blockbuster Erath movies, and who has apparently gone AWOL from Hollywood after a falling out with his equally famous and gorgeous movie star girlfriend, Audrey Lane. Thanks to her best friend Jazz, Keri Ann knows the latest news on Jack Eversea without even realizing it. She has blown Jack's cover, but oddly enough, Keri Ann finds herself agreeing to keep mum about it, and even helping Jack buy groceries and run errands for him.

Never in her wildest dreams did Keri Ann think she'll actually be friends with a major Hollywood celebrity. Keeping him a secret from her best friend and their little sleepy town is challenging enough. Keri Ann certainly did not expect just how hard she was going to fall for the beautiful and charismatic Jack Eversea. She sets herself on a collision course that is bound to end badly for her, but this is the most exciting and biggest thing that ever happened to her life. She's a big girl. She can handle Jack Eversea. Or can she really?

It's a truly likeable and enjoyable book for fans of contemporary romance. If a romantic escape with a cute and funny klutz for a heroine and a hot mess of a guy with a troubled past and a penchant for mind games is your thing, you will breeze through the pages of this book. It's a light and fast read that will keep you hooked until the very last page. Good thing the second book is out already, so your Jack Eversea and Keri Ann Butler thirst will be fully satiated ASAP.

kimberlyfaye_reads's review

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kimberlyfaye reads

“If I’d known you were in my future, I would have chosen differently.” – Jack
“If you had chosen differently, you would have never found me.” – Keri Ann

How can you not love Jack and Keri Ann? I certainly couldn’t resist them. This book absolutely sucked me in. Somewhere along the way this summer, I became a bit enamored with books with one famous and one “regular” person. It started with T. Torrest’s Remember When and has grown from there.

Keri Ann was a small-town girl with sass. She was real. She was feisty. It wasn’t like she was living under a rock and didn’t know who Jack Eversea was. She knew. She knew his movies. She was a fan, but not a huge fan. She was able to separate the real Jack from the characters he portrayed. There’s no doubt in my mind that she fell in love with the real Jack. What started out as an unlikely friendship based more or less on a chance encounter, grew into something beautiful and took me along for the ride.

“He was like a bright and beautiful rogue planet. He pulled the entire galaxy into a gravitational wobble until he got close enough to suck you in and tilt your axis head over heels.”

Jack was the perfect leading man. It goes without saying that he’s absolutely gorgeous. But, he’s more than that. He’s sweet and thoughtful. He’s vulnerable. Keri Ann gave him a lot of grief for being conceited at the beginning of their friendship, but I didn’t get that vibe from him. It was apparent how much he cared for Keri Ann in the things he did for her and in their banter. They had tons of chemistry, but it went well beyond that. I loved the back and forth in their dialogue. I loved that Keri Ann gave him “what for” when he deserved it.

“I was never one to pull a band aid off slowly. Besides, we could be struck by lightning right now and I don’t think I’d feel it or care. I want you inside me, Jack. Now. Not slowly, but like right now.”

But, because nothing can ever be easy in the books I love, with the characters I love, there’s much more to this story. A clause written into Jack’s contract states he has to remain in a very public relationship with an incredibly manipulative (and more than slightly evil) actress named Audrey Lane. We don’t see Audrey much in this book, thank goodness, but she does drop in just long enough to drop a soul-crushing twist that ruins everything.

“How did he look at me?” I whispered, suddenly craving validation of Jack’s feelings from anyone but myself and my subjective imagination.

Joey sighed, resigned. “Like you were the last chopper out of Baghdad, the last IV in the field hospital, the last funnel cake at the fair. Jesus, I don’t know.”

This book made me feel all the feels. I laughed and cried along with the characters. I enjoyed the perfect mix of romance, humor, angst, and sexy time the author delivered. The small-town setting was well-executed. The characters had depth. I loved (almost) all of them. From the best friend, Jazz, to the brother, Joey, and even the cook, Hector. They were all wonderful and left me wanting more. The book ended with a pretty shocking cliffhanger. The next book literally can’t get here soon enough. And on that note, the author shared a teaser on her Facebook page a couple weeks ago:

“Thanks for calling me back. Sorry to freak you out.” I greeted Jazz.

Jazz’s voice was breathy, quiet and worried. “Word, what’s the matter? Are you ok? Is Joey … ?”

“Fine, he’s fine. Sorry to freak you out. I’m fine, I just … Oh, God, Jazz. Jack is back in Butler Cove.” There was no other way to say it.

“Oh my God. Seriously? Did you see him or you heard? Wait, start at the beginning.”

“I saw him.” Looking out the window, I could the silvery dark silhouettes of the massive trees in my front yard as a sliver of a moon made it through the cloud cover. The rain looked like it was finally over. I sighed and told her the whole story.

When I was done, she chuckled. “Damn, girl. Most of us could only wish to have an exit like that. How freakin’ awesome.”

“It wasn’t awesome, Jazz. It was a nightmare. And he just stood there. Smiling,” I added disdainfully.

She laughed again, with glee. “Oh, it’s priceless! Just in case he forgot who Keri Ann Butler is, you managed to remind him like a two-by-four to the head.”

~ Eversea 2 (Forever, Jack)

Sigh. Is it November yet?

diamond93's review against another edition

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Keri Ann (22) führt ein bescheidenes Leben im verschlafenen Städtchen Butler Cove, bis sie eines Abends über den berühmten und äußerst attraktiven Schauspieler Jack Eversea stolpert. Dieser flieht gerade vor seinem eigenen Leben und möchte in Ruhe über alles nachdenken, weshalb er sich in Butler Cove versteckt. Vom ersten Moment an, besteht eine gewisse Spannung zwischen den beiden und je mehr Zeit sie miteinander verbringen, desto mehr sprühen die Funken...

Schon als ich dieses Buch in der Vorschau des Verlags entdeckt hatte, wusste ich, dass ich es unbedingt lesen muss, denn ich persönlich bin ein großer Fan von solchen Geschichten, schließlich schwärmt man als Teenager ja auch für den ein oder anderen Prominenten.

Die Protagonistin Keri Ann hat mir zu Beginn ein paar Schwierigkeiten gemacht, da sie doch extrem zickig rüber kam, aber das hat sich im Laufe des Buches zum Glück gelegt. Sie ist ein interessanter Charakter und hat mit ihren jungen Jahren schon so einiges durchgemacht. Nach dem Unfalltod ihrer Eltern, hat sie das Haus ihrer Großeltern geerbt, doch dieses braucht dringend eine Renovierung.

Mir hat das Buch ganz gut gefallen, wenn ich auch mehr erwartet hatte. Irgendetwas hat einfach doch gefehlt. Dennoch hat mich das Buch unterhalten, mich zum schmunzeln und grinsen gebracht. Die Dialoge sind unterhaltsam, besonders die Wortgefechte zwischen Keri Ann und Jack. Natürlich sorgt auch die Spannung zwischen diesen Charakteren dafür, dass man wissen möchte, wie es weiter gehen wird.

Der Schreibstil von Natasha Boyd ist angenehm und obwohl der Plot nichts außergewöhnliches ist und mit einigen Klischees beladen ist, hat man beim Lesen doch Spaß an der Geschichte.

Trotz anfänglicher Schwierigkeiten und Klischees, konnte mich der erste Band der "Eversea"-Duologie wunderbar unterhalten, obwohl ich doch mehr erwartet hatte. Dennoch sorgt Natasha Boyd mit ihrem erfrischenden Schreibstil für amüsante Lesestunden. Ich bin definitiv neugierig auf Band 2 "Eversea - Und die Welt bleibt stehen", da dieses Buch mit einem Cliffhanger geendet hat.

alyssa_loves_books's review

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4.5 stars

sonybless's review

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Eversea is a beautiful story about a Hollywood actor and a small town waitress.

I loved that Keri-Anne was not a damsel in distress that needed saving, she was strong, determined, and not at all interested in the Hollywood hunk that showed up in town. It was nice to see Jack and her build a friendship before it turned into something more. They're several tropes in this novel that you find in many New Adult novels, but they are so well written, that it didn't feel like I was reading the same story.

My only issue with the book is it ended on a major cliff hanger, and I didn't know this going in. Not the author's fault, but my own. I will definitely be picking up the second novel and hoping for a happy ever after for Jack and Kerri-Anne.

whimsical_pixel's review against another edition

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I love this thrope and in that sense I am not disappointed. I found the book well written (although there were some small issues with formatting and a it's instead of its) and I liked the dynamic between all the characters.
Keri-Ann is a quite OK FMC and Jack is a great MMC. He's sweet. Keri-Ann is quite the naive little girl, but those do exists and at 22 is normal she doesn't know better.

A nice quick read that doesn't disappoint in the romance between the characters. It ends in a cliffhanger, so i bought immediately #2!

merveozcan's review against another edition

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Aşka Var Mısın? Ben yoktum ama Keri ve Jack açıkçası varlar. :P Kelime oyununu yapmadan giriş yapamazdım. Yok öyle bir dünya. :D

Dünyaca ünlü oyuncu Jack Eversea'nın küçük bir turistlik kasabaya, kendisini aldatan sevgilisinden kaçmak için geldiğinde ve Keri Ann ile tanıştığında ikilinin hayatı tamamen değişir. Geçmişinde büyük kayıplar yaşayan küçük kasaba kızı Keri, hem aile yadigarı evi tamir etmek hem de ayakları üzerinde kalmak için çaba sarf ediyordur. Ancak seksi mi seksi, ünlü mü ünlü, azıcık da problemleri olan ve en sevdiği serinin film versiyonunda favori karakterini oynayan Jack Eversea'nın, tüm dünyanın izlediği aldatma faciasından kaçarak kasabasında huzur bulmaya gelmesi, işleri de pek bir rayından oynatmıştı onun için.

Şok şok şok.

Keri Ann kalbini bu ünlü adama kaptıracak mı?
Jack tüm hayatını bir kenara atacak mı?
Jazz kız mı erkek mi?
Joey sorumluluklardan kaçmaya devam mı edecek?
Ben ikinci kitabı ne zaman okumaya başlayacağım? (Tercihen hemen. )
İşte tüm bu soruların cevabı bu kitapta. :D

Eversea oldukça eğlenceli, akıcı, cinsel gerilimle dolu bir kitap. Her ne kadar erotik diyemesek de, sevişsinler de kurtulalım diyen tek ben olamam. :D Hele Jack'in yanağındaki gamzesi, kasları, boyu posu bu kadar detaylıca tarif edildikten sonra. :D

Yer gelecek her karaktere iki tokat çakıp sonra da kucağınıza oturtup sevmek isteyeceksiniz. Kitabı kapatıp sonra tekrar açıp merak içinde okuyacaksınız. Tatlı bir aşk hikayesi okumak isteyenler için! Ama tek sorun var: Finalsiz. İkinci kitap için gün saymaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Eversea'yı yavaş başlayan ama çok güzel biten bir kitap. Tatlı bir kapağı, içinde de sıcacık insanları var. Meraklı komşular, yardımsever insanlar, deli bir arkadaş... :D Tehlikeli, doğaüstü ya da gizemli kitaplardan bir kaçış arıyorsanız bence bir el atın.

Finalsiz olduğunu söylemiştim değil mi? Kaplumbağanın da hikayede yer ettiğini? Benim özellikle Jack'i tekme tokat dövmek, yer geldiğinde yağlı kazığa oturtmak istediğimi? :D Keri Ann gibi masum, tatlı, yardım sever kızları baştan çıkarıp kalbini kıran heriflerden nefret ediyorum. O yüzden, yağlı kazık bence uygundur. :D

Çok eğlenceli bir kitap. Öneriyorum millet! Çik-Lit deyince bence istenileni veriyor. Hele Jazz'in ve Joey'in hikayesini çok ateşli bir şekilde bekliyoruz! :D

Bu da sevdiğim, komik alıntılardan biri. :D