
The Pigeon Wants a Puppy! by Mo Willems

lisavegan's review

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This is a very, very, very simple book; the text and illustrations are both very spare. It’s also funny and great for beginning readers and younger children. As a puppy loving person I enjoyed it even though it’s much more about the pigeon than the puppy. The story was almost too simple for me but it had an amusing enough “surprise” ending.

lindseyyreads's review

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I'm pretty sure I also said I would water my cat everyday if I got one lol

rolandsaintlaurent's review

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A cute story, but it's starting to look like Mo's running out of steam with the Pigeon character.

innocentsmith's review

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The pigeon wants a puppy but doesn't really understand what they are.

kkh2025's review

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Of course I love this book.

becster9's review

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My niece loved this one.

nicoleoftheisland's review

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I connect with The Pigeon far too much.

thereadingcountess's review

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Adorable. So relatable. Ah, the fickleness of youth...

rosetraub's review

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I love Mo Willems. Books that make my nugget giggle are always high on my list!

agloe's review

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Funny funny