
Thing Fifteen by Erin Lee

mommasaystoread's review

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Thing Fifteen is a literal and figurative haunting addition to the Diary of Serial Killer series. This one is more about Beverly, or Jimmie's Thing Fifteen, but we also get more answers about Jimmie's upbringing and the things that started it all. The story makes for a good nature vs nurture discussion, at once again, the author has done such a good job of letting the reader inside Jimmie's mind that I found myself feeling a bit sorry for him. Of course, that sympathy doesn't last long when we're reminded of the things he's done and the reason for his current situation. Beverly's story is an interesting idea of the possibility that it's never too late for a bit of retribution and even a little justice. Everything isn't quite tied up in a neat little bow, but considering the subject matter, I wouldn't expect it to be. All in all, a solid addition to the series.

energyrae's review

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Taking a slight break from focusing on Jimmie, the serial killer this series is based around, I love the fact that Lee pulled in "Thing Fifteen" to tell her side of the story. Most often when you are reading a series about serial killers, it's always from their perspective, so this was just brilliant.
Beverly seeks her revenge on Jimmie by haunting him. Beverly was one of Jimmie's "Things", a librarian when she was alive. In the present, she is smart, strong, haunting, resilient, and cunning. She makes for a good lead character.
Told in the present and the past, the storyline flows smoothly. Lee has intertwined bits and pieces from other her books, which makes for a perfect and fun easter egg. We're also introduced to "Momma", who quite terrifies me. Her story is waiting to be told, and I am anxious to read it. Thing Fifteen is an excellent and haunting read, a perfect addition to the "Diary of a Serial Killer" series.

vondav's review

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Jimmie has been arrested and now serving his time in a mental institute and he still apart from his favourite thing number 15. I like that this book was slightly different to the others as the author selected Jimmie’s favourite thing to tell the story.
Beverley number 15 had always been Jimmie’s favourite and her side of the story went into more detail on how she ended up in the freezer, her narration showed real hatred of Jimmie ending her life and how she was going to get her revenge. I enjoyed reading the story from her POV as you got to understand more of what Jimmie did to her on their Thursday date nights. When she was alive she was quite a quiet individual but did like to shock people, and she did like the attention from Jimmie. Jimmie story was mainly him writing his journal going back over his kills and you could sense he was still getting a kick out of what he did. Never did he once show remorse.
I thought this was a better read than book 2 maybe because Florel did not pay a big part in it. I felt I understood more about Jimmie from his journals and Beverly’s introduction to his mom. There were a few funny moment when Beverley was taking the mick out of Jimmie and she did like being in control of the situation. I am glad I read book 2 and 3 after each other as the story seemed to flow smoothly. The epilogue was thought provoking as Beverley even with everything she did had not found peace and there was still not closure. Once you have finished this book carry on reading as it was interesting to see all the research that was done to write these books and there is also an interview with the author done by Amy Bernal.

indiebookaddict's review

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Lee delivers perfection with Thing Fifteen! Since fifteen was Jimmie's favorite it was awesome to follow this story from her POV. I really enjoyed how Lee went between the past and present to share more of Beverly's story. The detail in this book was very gripping and had me rushing through the pages. Oddly there were times that I started to sympathize with Jimmie after reading more details of his harsh upbringing and how Momma was.

If you've ever wanted to enter the mind of a serial killer, you definitely need to check out this entire series. I cannot wait to finish the rest of it to see how things end for Jimmie.