
The Lost Link by Michelle Bryan

sh3llr3ads's review

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Even better than the books this author has written before. I can't talk enough about how much I loved this variation on fae. It's so different from others, so unique, that it sucked me into the story and I read it in two sittings.

Jette has had a super rough life in the human realm and it's not about to get easier now that she went into the fae realm. She may not have had parents that loved her, but at least no one tried to abduct her. Now, she has an evil queen after her, a reluctant alliance with said queen's son, a quest only she can complete, and all the worlds counting on her.
Whew, she's a tough as nails chick and I loved her to pieces. Add in Starke who I assume will make a very interesting love interest, and I can't wait to see where this goes.

And that ending. YES! All the yeses.

roses_andreads's review

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First things first, I need the second book! This book captured me from the very beginning and kept me hooked. The story is interesting and fun and so cool. I love Jette and her journey and all the people she meets.

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from the author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

The Lost Link
is Michelle Bryan's newest fantasy and y’all I couldn’t get enough of it! There are dragons, magic, fae, and portals, a man who reminds me of Mr. Miyagi, an evil queen, and did I mention dragons? Unlike anything I’ve ever read, The Lost Link delivers an epic adventure and it’s only the start of Jette’s story.

Bridjette, or Jette, is our snarky main character, and I love her! She is snarky and sassy, protective and loyal, not to mention she thinks she’s crazy at the start of the book. Her whole life Jette has seen other people and creatures that are not of this world. She has nightmares about morquals and a woman who looks a lot like her throwing her into a river. Then the unthinkable happens. A dragon finds her at school, and she isn’t the only one that sees it. Thrown into a world of make-believe, Jette soon comes to realize that the things she believed to be fake are very real. I love her reaction to this. It’s raw and real, reminding me of how any person today might act if encountering magic.

Upon arriving in this new world, through a portal in an alley, Jette encounters Starke, a Fae prince. There is something about this prince that draws Jette in. She trusts him against the judgment of her new friends, and I have to say I love him. Starke has a self-deprecating humor that endeared him to me. He’s humble and kind, even to those that would have his head. And the chemistry between Jette and Starke….boiling hot!

The story itself focuses a lot on world-building. Michelle Bryan excels at this, building a world within worlds. Jette is thrust into this world from her dreams only to find it is all real. There are new creatures for her to encounter. Magic is real, and the world is on the brink of extinction. All of this is shown in the landscape the author paints with her words. It is tangible and real. I wanted to jump through the portal with Jette!

Overall I really enjoyed The Lost Link. Jette is a fun character. Her snark lightens an otherwise dark read. While I didn’t get into the plot much in my review, it is action-packed and filled to the brim with surprise twists and a few unexpected characters. Personally I loved it! If you enjoy fantasy, adventure, and a dash of romance, I highly recommend it.