
Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee by Jim Lee, Bill Baker

evcgm's review

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inspiring fast-paced


dlsmall's review

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Thought the fact that it has a beautiful looking Legion story-et deserves a 4th star.

sfian's review

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It's a bit of a cheat to say that I've "read" this book, given how few words are actually in it, and I'm not one to pore over art. But over the last few days I have greatly enjoyed looking at Jim Lee's gorgeous finished art and intricate pencils, as well as appreciating the development of rough sketches to finished product.

Lee is, despite his frequently point out faults, one of my favourite comic artists and the depth of work in here - much that I hadn't seen before - is astounding. Yes, some covers follow the same formula, but so what?

Why four stars? Well, I would have liked a bit more text - an interview would have been nice (although dated now) and possibly a more comprehensive checklist of his work (comic collectors are, after all, collectors...) Oh, and the Legion story, although again with stunning art, was little more than a fluff-piece, which is a shame.